Metal gear solid v the phantom pain art
Metal gear solid v the phantom pain art

metal gear solid v the phantom pain art

metal gear solid v the phantom pain art

The bigger issue is the fact that all the missions take place within that world-map, which oftentimes means revisiting the same outposts over and over again. It’s by no means game breaking but since finding high vantage points is an integral part of the game, it does feel kinda sloppy. Snake for instance has real problems walking up rocky hills it’s almost comical seeing the legendary soldier struggling to get up a mild incline. Of course the open world does come with a few deficiencies – just like any open world before it. It’s a hostile environment through and through and I found it immensely immersive. Later on enemies step up their game and place landmines and deploy snipers.

metal gear solid v the phantom pain art

The map is filled with outposts, camps and other random patrolling guards. Despite the scale being much larger, MGSV still maintains that feeling. Metal Gear was always about being alone in a hostile environment you were outmatched and pitted against overwhelming opposition. It’s a pretty bold move but ultimately it pays off. While the exclusion of the hour long cut-scenes is a departure for the series, The Phantom Pain also introduces a new gameplay element into the series: For the first time ever Metal Gear Solid features an open world for you to explore. Something about the journey being more important than the destination, I guess. Those moments may not mean much in the overall narrative of the saga, but I consider those momentary rushes far more important. It didn’t really bother me though considering the game had me at the edge of my seat on multiple occasions throughout my play-though. It wasn’t until after the credits rolled that I realized just how little the story actual contributed to the overall plot of the franchise. All the elements I personally like about the franchise are here: The outlandish enemies, the questionable science, the silliness mixed with serious drama and the ‘rule of cool’ nature of the characters.

metal gear solid v the phantom pain art

It feels really shady and it’s a shame that the franchise ends on such an unfulfilling low-note.ĭespite my complaints, I still greatly enjoyed MGSV’s story though. The icing on the cake is that there actually is an ending which was cut out and can only be viewed on a disc packaged with the Collectors Edition (or you can check YouTube). It just stops, throws a (somewhat fan base splitting) twist in your face, shrugs and awkwardly stumbles away, leaving behind a lot of questions. And to make matters worse, The Phantom Pain also lacks a proper ending. This was supposedly the game that fills the gap between Big Boss’s saga and the original Metal Gear it was supposed to tell the story of how Big Boss became the villain he eventually is. Without spoiling anything, The Phantom Pain’s story feels almost completely neglectable in the long run. I would welcome it even more if the few cut-scenes would actually tell a meaningful and integral story. It’s somewhat weird when taking the heritage of the franchise into consideration, but I for one welcome the new design direction. It seems he took the criticism to heart as The Phantom Pain features a surprisingly small amount of cut-scenes all things considered. Some of Guns of the Patriots’ cut-scenes lasted over an hour and even more devoted fans of the franchise started to question the effectiveness of what is now oftentimes considered Kojima’s trademark style. Metal Gear is most commonly known as the franchise with those really long cut-scenes, often to a fault. I try to avoid spoilers as much as possible but still, consider yourself warned.


People really treasure all the twists and turns the series has produced over the last 20 or so years, probably more so than any other gaming franchise. When disusing a Metal Gear Solid title placing a spoiler warning up front is usually in order.

Metal gear solid v the phantom pain art